Truck Talk

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
My truck is a 2000 Ford F250 7.3 motor with over 207,000mi still operating with excellent power. I ran a superchip which has 2 programs, trailer tow safe & high performance, for quite a while, but it was in my opinion disguising its stock performance. After removing the performance chip, I found most sensors involved were not doing the job they were intended to do, high mileage. Last year I launched boat at a lake that has a very long & steep ramp, low lake level. When adjusting trailer to water I hardly had any power to crawl up 10 feet, this was the start of troubleshooting of the power loss. To start with found exhaust back pressure line clogged & cracked, as seen in pics-a common problem with 7.3, sensor it was connected to was completely clogged. Other sensors changed IPR-injector pressure regulator, ICP-injector control pressure, MAP sensor, Air intake temperature sensor just to name some critical components. About 6yrs ago, I replaced the turbo with a slight upgrade new turbo, this was a good power move ruling out any turbo issue, inner cooler boots to turbo had signs of leakage (see below), replaced.

Exhaust Back Press Line 1.jpg
Exhaust Back Press Line 2.jpg
Exhaust Back Press Line 3.jpg
Exhaust Back Press Sensor.jpg

Y Pipe Boot3.jpg
Y Pipe Boot4.jpg
Y Pipe Boot5.jpg