trailer bearings

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Oct 7, 2012
Meridian, ID
when inspecting/replacing trailer bearings is it best to do it at the end of the boating season before the boat is going to sit for 3-5 months? also my bearings do say "china" on them, a local and reputable shop told me that most new trailers come with non-timken bearings and are essentially just as good, I read an old thread where HiTechKoke was inspecting his bearings and a chinese bearing fell apart as it was removed from the hub and was replaced with a timken bearing

today I talked with other shops and other boaters and they all say they've had good luck with their non-timken bearings, have any of you had what you'd consider premature failures with your non-timken bearings?
most import brgs are good quality but there are lesser quality ones and they are usally at the chain stores where they are compeating with other chain stores for the lowest price. I found if you buy brgs from a bearing house they have the quality brgs because that is all they sell and depend on repeat customers not like the chain stores that don't care. and even timken brgs are not all usa far as when to do it I put my trailer up on jack stands in november (it has torflex axles and they last longer if you take the load off if you are not using it ) and will service the brgs when I have time then it is ready when I am. dfly
most import brgs are good quality but there are lesser quality ones and they are usally at the chain stores where they are compeating with other chain stores for the lowest price. I found if you buy brgs from a bearing house they have the quality brgs because that is all they sell and depend on repeat customers not like the chain stores that don't care. and even timken brgs are not all usa far as when to do it I put my trailer up on jack stands in november (it has torflex axles and they last longer if you take the load off if you are not using it ) and will service the brgs when I have time then it is ready when I am. dfly

thanks for the info
I have my bearings repacked every year and my bearings are going on 8 years. I have them repacked just before my long trip of the year to the Gorge, 1,600 miles round trip.