Long Weekend due to Trailer Problems

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Colorado Board MODERATOR
Jul 9, 2008
Grand Junction, CO
I left last Friday morning to meet a friend at Fish Lake in Utah - about 260 miles from where I live. I had gone about 200 miles before stopping to let my boy run around a little bit and I checked on the boat and trailer. Everything looked good and we traveled on. I stopped about 10 miles later to fuel up the truck and noticed an odd smell coming from the trailer. I walked around to the passenger side and the hub behind the tire on the front axle was on fire. I quickly jumped in the boat and retrieved the fire extinguisher and put out the fire.

It took almost 5 hours for the repair shop to find the parts and repack the bearings, but they could not get a backing plate with the brakes (they were fried to a crisp). This cost me what 2 complete axles with brakes and drums would have at home :mad:

I set out again to the lake, constantly watching the trailer and wondering which tire would be next. Luckily, there no problems the rest of the day.

Saturday, while on the water, we were anchored and fishing for perch for the kids when the wind came up pretty hard. The anchor quickly dislodged from the bottom of the lake and we started drifting. Unfortunately, we were fairly close to shore and we were blown into a gravel sandbar before I could start the motor. We could not get off the sandbar without using the big motor (an i/o) because the wind was blowing too hard. We were being beaten against the sandbar and I lifted the motor as high as it would go and eased into the throttle. It took more throttle than anticipated to get us off and long story short....I now need a new prop and have a 4 inch gash in the fin below the prop. :mad:

Sunday wasn't as bad, but I did manage to rip two of the rubber rollers on the trailer clean off while loading the boat. The marinas were terrible for a boat my size and the one that did work for us had a 2 foot drop off at the end of the concrete. It took about 6 times to get the boat on the trailer somewhat centered because the hole on one side was deeper than the hole on the other side. Now my boat is sitting on the steel pins rather than rubber rollers for the ride home. Needless to say, by the time I got home Monday evening I was a wreck.

I only put about 1,000 miles a year on the trailer and repack my bearings every other year. I may start doing it every year now.
Our trip to Montana, Utah and Wyoming in June was a 2,500 mile round trip and we escaped any mechanical incidence. I was very happy. I've had the major trailer malfunction before but I was out in the middle of the salt flats. At least you were at a gas station. But when it rains it pours doesn't it? So, did you catch any fish?
I think That I am going to look at doing the same thing. Each year do a complete top to bottom and front to back trailer check up and save any potentual possible set backs. Sure, Something could always happen that we cant control, But the piece of mind of knowing that things were done and done right and not just assuming that they will be fine is noce to know.

This spring I did new radial tires and balanced, Re packed bearings and each tme I go on a trip that is over and hour away, I have a tub of grease, rags and a new set of bearings and races just in case. I also have a good set of tools that I would need to deal with it. I hope that I never need them but the thought of being on the side of the 2nd sister on I -80 headed to teh gorge with trailer problem is not my kind of fun.

Sorrry to hear about your set backs, hopefully you had a a little buit of fun.
......Re packed bearings and each time I go on a trip that is over and hour away, I have a tub of grease, rags and a new set of bearings and races just in case. I also have a good set of tools that I would need to deal with it. I hope that I never need them but the thought of being on the side of the 2nd sister on I -80 headed to teh gorge with trailer problem is not my kind of fun....

I always thought about carrying extra sets of bearings and grease, but didn't want to think about the hassle. I always have lots of tools with the hope of never using them. I am now going to be carrying that stuff because you never know where you're going to be when things start breaking. I am also going to recharge my fire extinguishers, I think they are overdue as well.
i feel your pain. i had to replace my axle early season then a month ago i had a trailer tire blow out and had to put2 new tires on, with all the othere things i needed to do with my boats first season. still have mre projects to wage off disaster. i think this winter it will get new wiring and trailer lights (led)
Trailer Problems

I have had to load my entire boat and trailer on a wrecker to get it to a shop TWICE now due to bearings. I now have bearing buddies and I carry a grease gun and check the warmth of the hubs every time I stop anywhere.

Sorry you had so many problems...you could write a book... laugh hyst

At least you didn't sink....... tooexcited
I just decided to check/repack my bearings and change rear seals. Hated to do it during koke season, but the grease forming on my rims told me it was time.

Mid way through the second hub I'm waiting for the brake cleaner to dry or something and notice that a vital Ubolt supporting the rear x member of my trailer had snaped and this flopping partial u bolt was barely holding things together! Pretty much next trip...game over! I feel so lucky I decided pull the bearings.

I guess God wants me to keep fishing!

Sorry about your ordeal FishHunter.
sorry to hear about the problems, I'm scared to go out this year, one problem after another. minnkota foot pedal, lowrance transducer, cdi for 8 hp honda, complete water pump on 150 merc, rivet popped on hull, torn the horn off the gunnel, Friday someone ran into trailer and tore the right tail light off the trailer ( left a note, restored my faith in humanity). Wayne I hope it gets better.
sorry to hear about the problems, I'm scared to go out this year, one problem after another. minnkota foot pedal, lowrance transducer, cdi for 8 hp honda, complete water pump on 150 merc, rivet popped on hull, torn the horn off the gunnel, Friday someone ran into trailer and tore the right tail light off the trailer ( left a note, restored my faith in humanity). Wayne I hope it gets better.

Forget the long weekend, Bob, you are having one long season.