Tuesday 8-19 I ventured to Strawberry with the season ending in disappointment. I fished along he east shore where I have had good catches for kokes for most of season. Fishfinder was showing marks of a lot of fish but was unable to bring 1 koke to the boat. I did hook up one with the usual surface tail dance and it stripping line but a self release about half way to the boat ended in frustration. However there was no skunk since the cutts played. Admittingly I did enjoy the catch as most cutts were of descent size falling in the 18-21" short of busting the slot, bringing 15 cutts to the boat. I think some were graduates of kokanee skool on how to fight. I wanted to make one more run to the Berry but this trip hasn't help me with the delinquency of kokes decide to want to go back especially since this valley heat is not letting up taking a drain on this weary sole. Now its getting time to take some time to relax around the house and start prepping for some fall FINatics fishing.