Well MaGoo, this is a great topic and something we, as a group, should get involved in. My problem is ignorance, a common affliction these days. Even after reading the linked article by Roger Phillips there, I didn't get a sense of a clear path forward. As I said, my issue is ignorance. Does anyone else on the Forum have experience or insight as to how we Kokaholics should weigh in? I mean has anyone seen this problem worked out before in other states, or read about this elsewhere? One issue hinted at by Phillips is stocking more Kokanee into Payette at the expense of stocking amounts for other Kokanee waters. This sounds a little ominous - we know we have had lower than desirable stock out of Deadwood for the statewide Kokanee program recently. It would be great if we in the Forum could kick this around intelligently and come up with our arguments to push F&G on. I mean it is easy to say, "kill the lake trout because I like Kokanee more"; but it would be great to come up with some scientifically (environmentally) sound basis to our arguments. THANKS.